
How to Become a Referee

2025-02-05 Burleson Independent Soccer Association

Referee certification is managed by North Texas State Soccer Association. Please see or contact a board member for more information.... Read The Rest

Officials Management Systems

2021-02-11Updated: 2022-04-12 Burleson Independent Soccer Association

Log in to the Officials Management Systems here.... Read The Rest

US Soccer Grassroots Coaching Clinics/Licensing

2020-06-09Updated: 2022-04-12 Burleson Independent Soccer Association

BISA is committed to ensuring our kids receive the best soccer education possible as well as having tons of fun. We are also committed to giving coaches the resources they need to be successful and have a great time coaching as well. BISA offers a reimbursement program for any registered coach to begin working towards obtaining a Grassroots license from US Soccer. The Grassroots license requires coaches to take 3 of the following 4 classes; 4 v 4, 7 v 7, 9 v 9 and 11 v 11 to obtain a license (11 v 11 must be one of the... Read The Rest

Coach/Spectator Issue Form

2020-01-31Updated: 2022-04-12 Burleson Independent Soccer Association

You may print out this form, complete, and leave inside the referee shack if you would like to give feedback on a coach or a spectator at a game.... Read The Rest

BISA Adult Soccer Program Referee Instructions

2020-01-31Updated: 2022-04-12 Burleson Independent Soccer Association

PRE-GAME DUTIES Arrive a minimum 20 minutes prior to the start of the game Dressed in proper uniform (different jersey color than either team) Ready to start pre-game check-in Each AR checks in a team and obtains a filled in game sheet from the referee room.  It needs to have the date, time, field number, home & visitor team names, and roster of players for that team with player’s numbers listed. If the team is the home team and their jerseys are the same color as the opponent, the manager is to locate the board member on duty to check out pennies if they do... Read The Rest

Playing Rules

2020-01-10Updated: 2022-04-12 Burleson Independent Soccer Association

Modified playing rules for certain age groups can be found on the Resources tab by selecting Rules and Bylaws. Please familiarize yourself with the rules of the age group your child is playing.  ... Read The Rest

Coach / Manager Registration

2019-08-09Updated: 2022-04-12 Burleson Independent Soccer Association

We are so glad you are interested in coaching for BISA! Coaching is one of the most rewarding ways to give back to your community. In order to coach for BISA we need you to register as a coach. This registration is done through GotSoccer. Please navigate to the home page and select Coach/Manager under the Registration tab on the left hand side. You will only have to register one time as a coach. If you have already registered previously and cannot remember your credentials, contact us. If you are having problems with page 2 of the registration, it is most likely... Read The Rest

Team Game Plan Forms

2017-08-30Updated: 2022-04-12 Burleson Independent Soccer Association

These forms are intended to help coaches have a plan for the beginning of the game and substitutions.  The U4-U7 just lists U5-6 at the top, but can be used from U4 thru U7.  The U9-U10 can be used for U8 as well with the halve at 22 minutes and a size 3 ball.... Read The Rest

Parent Code of Conduct

2017-08-10Updated: 2022-04-12 Burleson Independent Soccer Association

BISA has a coach code of conduct as well as one for the parents.  These help all the players have a great soccer experience, no matter their age or experience.  Please be considerate of the players, coaches and other spectators around you as we all enjoy this recreational sport.... Read The Rest

Concussion Rules

2016-12-27Updated: 2022-04-12 Burleson Independent Soccer Association

Please read the new concussion rules put out by North Texas Soccer attached below. Referees do have the authority to send a player off the field for a head injury and a note from a physician stating the player is free of concussion will be needed before the player can play.  This does mean the player will not be allowed to come back into the game they are removed from as well as any games following without the note from a physician. ... Read The Rest

New Concussion Rules

2016-09-04Updated: 2022-04-12 Burleson Independent Soccer Association

Please take a few minutes and read the new concussion rules put out by North Texas Soccer attached below.... Read The Rest

US Youth Soccer Practice Plans

2016-03-22Updated: 2022-04-12 Burleson Independent Soccer Association

The practice plans are put together by US Youth Soccer for differing age groups.  The information helps guide you thru several practices with sessions and advice.  Please feel free to use this to improve or change up your practices if you are an existing coach or to get things started if you are a new coach.  Please remember BISA does play with some modified rules for some of the age groups.  Those modified rules can be found under our Rules and Bylaws tab.... Read The Rest

Expectations for a BISA Coach

2013-08-02Updated: 2022-04-12 Burleson Independent Soccer Association

The coach of a team sets the attitude of everyone around them. This includes the players, parents and spectators. As the coach "the leader of the team" your responsibility is to provide a positive environment in which the children can learn and develop. The lessons that they learn extend beyond the child's soccer skills. They include how to deal with conflict and how to demonstrate good sportsmanship before, during and after the game. BISA expects the coach to lead by example and do their very best to provide a positive soccer experience for their team. Please keep this in mind when... Read The Rest

BISA Referee Concerns Policy

2012-08-04Updated: 2022-04-12 Burleson Independent Soccer Association

BISA REFEREE CONCERNS POLICY As with any soccer match, there may be concerns about the referee crew that officiated the match. Per North Texas By-laws (3.13.1), the only 2 situations that can result in a protest of the game are: 1. A team knowingly plays an unregistered, ineligible, or suspended player; or 2. There has been an obvious error made in the application of the Laws of the Game that directly affects the outcome of the match, and the referee admits it. The center referee is in control of the match. Only the referee can reverse a call, prior to the restart... Read The Rest

Addressing the Referees During the Game

2009-05-11Updated: 2022-04-12 Burleson Independent Soccer Association

Please do not address the refs during the game (see the September 20, 2005 Coach Memo regarding misconduct and dissent). If you have a problem, concern, or are upset with a call, discuss it with a board member or referee director, not with the referee. They are human and are going to flub a few just like each of our teams will flub a few during the course of a game. Talk to a board member about it and the ref can be educated in the proper manner (or the rules will be explained to us, which is quite often... Read The Rest

Coach Mantras

2009-05-07Updated: 2022-04-12 Burleson Independent Soccer Association

Primary focus on "development", not "winning" - subtle difference but very important.  Winning is desirable of course, but making it your primary focus, especially your primary short-term focus, will most likely lead to bad decisions in your training program and game execution (see "don't teach anything you have to undo later" below). Maximum touches on the ball during training sessions - make sure your practice plan leads to as many touches on the ball as possible.  This can be accomplished by separating the players into smaller groups during drills or by designing your practice to include drills and games that force... Read The Rest